Have a need? Reach out Love INC

Everything we do revolves around relationships because Love INC isn’t just about meeting needs, it’s about meeting people where they are at, and helping them achieve their God-given potential. Here are a few of the ways we do that in our community.

Help Center

Gap Ministries

The REACH Program

Resource Navigators

The Help Center

An affiliate’s foundational ministry is the Help Center, where requests for assistance are received, assessed, referred to the most appropriate resource, and followed up on. From the help comes inspiration and recruitment of church volunteers. All additional ministry modes are built upon the systems and information developed in the Help Center. The Help Center is central to how a Love INC affiliate functions. It is the fundamental ministry that touches and coordinates all other ministries.

Gap Ministries

“Love INC helps churches and community members build ministries to fill the gaps in services by identifying unmet needs in the community. From baby cribs to healthcare, we help organize products and services to meet real needs without duplicating existing resources. Yet, what is offered is much more than just products and services, as our relational approach ensures that each person is seen as an individual and offered prayer, encouragement, and ongoing connection. We currently have Gap Ministries offering: furniture, baby & toddler items, bicycles, and dental care.

The Reach Program

The REACH Program will entail a series of class offerings, managed by LoveINC staff and facilitated by member church volunteers, designed to provide ongoing self-improvement and transformational learning opportunities for people in our Tampa community, building new relationships, identifying strengths and achieving success.

The types of learning opportunities to be eventually offered through REACH will include: Personal money management, SMART Goal setting, Job readiness, Health & nutrition, Healthy boundaries, Landlord Engagement, Supportive Parenting, Early Childhood Education.

Resource Navigators

This opportunity is for volunteers willing to have a one-to-one relationship with guests to mentor, coach and support them through long-term transformation by creating a success plan to improve their future. With regular meetings and active communication, Resource Navigators and guests will address issues such as: Spiritual Health & Development, Financial Health & Well-Being, Creating SMART Goals, Job Readiness, Establishing Healthy Boundaries, and Supportive Parenting.